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Just please don't let him negotiate MidEast peace

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images  Good As You Images Img4297E7C83Ba21 1-1-2Responding to the news that Jerusalem has recorded a same-sex marriage for the first time, the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber today expresses a deep concern for the feelings of Isreal's Islamic enemies. He is quoted by OneNewsNow as saying of Israel's potential combatants:

"It does provide them fodder -- there's no doubt about that,” .... “They can now turn around and say, 'Look; like we've been saying all along, Israel is the great infidel. They're the heathen. Just look at what they're doing now. They're now recognizing gay marriage.'"

Wait, so out of fear of angering those who already want to destroy Israel and in some cases America, Jerusalem should curtail liberty? Unreasonable! Even if you despise gay marriage (and we know you do, Matt), you can't justify your point by siding with the sort of extremist who detests just about every Western ideal! If Israel's militant enemies had their way, virtually all Americans and Israelis would be living very different lives. But by putting the idea out there that they SHOULD be angry about this recognition of a same-sex marriage, Mr. Barber sort of becomes like the dude standing in the halls yelling "Fight, Fight, Fight!" as his angry classmates ponder their next move.

Mr. Barber goes on to say:

"For them to be recognizing so-called gay marriage officially in the Promised Land, the Holy Land, I think is just frightening, really,” ... “and it's just a step away from breaking out the golden calf.

Now, for those who don't know the story of "the golden calf," basically he is saying that by recognizing the union of two men who were married in Canada, Jerusalem is one step away from honoring a new and fashionable, yet false, "idol" -- one that stands in opposition to God. And why not compare the legal recognition of our love to a Biblical concept that made God so angry, he wanted to destroy the involved parties? After all, we queers are God-less and immoral, right? So basically any Biblical story that was said to lead or almost lead to God's wrath -- analogous to gays in the eyes of our opposition.


We can't even stomach to talk about this anymore, so click below if you want to read Mr. Barber's comments for yourself. Just tread carefully, as your enjoyment of America's freedom of the press may enrage some of our enemies!

First same-sex 'marriage' officially recorded in Jerusalem [OneNewsNow]

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Your thoughts

"the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber"


Posted by: dogscratcher | Feb 6, 2007 6:46:53 PM

Do they employ any women at that "organisation"? Sheesh!

Posted by: MbSF | Feb 7, 2007 1:30:47 PM

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