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MI marriage ban: Protecting 'sanctity' of traditional healthcare allotment

by Jeremy Hooper

Images-7Reversing a 2005 ruling to the contrary, the Michigan Court of Appeals decided today that public universities and local governments cannot offer health insurance to their employees' gay partners, as it would violate the state's gay marriage ban.

Ironic, as it's the noxious marriage ban that's reportedly making local gay couples sick in the first place.

Michigan Court: No Same-Sex Benefits [AP via SFGate.com]

**NOTE: The decision will be appealed. Stay tuned.

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Your thoughts

Well, that's just mean-spirited on top of everything else. Am I ever glad I moved to Massachusetts...

Posted by: jaj | Feb 2, 2007 12:07:40 PM

"Ironic, as it's the noxious marriage ban that's reportedly making local gay couples sick in the first place."

As sad and upsetting as the issue you're dealing with is... that line was just great.

Posted by: bestbuddyali | Feb 5, 2007 1:13:57 AM

This is so sad. There are so many families, including mine, that will be affected by this. I guess those who don't want the State of Michigan to pay for these families' health benefits would rather pay to have the children go on Medicaid. Hmmmm....I wonder which would cost the least?

The other sad thing is that when the proponent of the Gay Marriage Ban campaigned for this bill to pass, they expressly said that they were not interested in taking away partner/family benefits from state employees. Then, after the bill passed to ban gay marriage, a law suit was introduced to take our benefits away. It is nothing but vile discrimination and deceit!

Posted by: Betsy Garrett | Feb 5, 2007 12:31:38 PM

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