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Nice Ellen on 'mean' Kathy and 'brilliant' Sarah

by Jeremy Hooper

3Zjj387In a new interview with W magazine, lesbian talk show host Ellen Degeneres reveals that she finds fellow comedian (and gay fave) Kathy Griffin "very mean," yet thinks Sarah Silverman is "brilliant." However, we're not completely sure we follow that logic (**none of the clips anywhere close to safe for work!):

We're not pitting them in a contest of wits, as we find both quite funny. We're just saying that in terms of comedy, "mean" would seem to be a relative concept.


**Oh, and for good measure, here's some non-debatably nice and completely safe for work Ellen:

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Your thoughts

Sorry, I'm gonna have to go with Ellen here.

The difference in my mind is that while Kathy seems to convey real, humorous stories and opinions that she personally holds, Sarah Silverman plays a character with stories that have fabricated elements and staged jokes (as the music video clips you posted show). So, when you're watching Sarah Silverman and she's screaming about how much she hated her dead aunt, it's understood that she and all the actors in her video are creating an absurd parody, while Kathy Griffin seems to actually think it's funny to make fun of someone because they can't speak English very well.

Of course, I'm sure both comedians/actresses are really nice and caring individuals, but I can see why Ellen would draw the conclusion that Silverman is nicer because it's more clear that what she says is parody.

Posted by: Andy | Feb 7, 2007 1:33:59 AM

I totally hear what you're saying and I do somewhat agree. Personally, I couldn't be less offended by any of them and find all three funny in different ways. But I do know some people who find Sarah far more offensive, because even though her (very funny) shtick is to say these offensive things behind the veil of ignorance, she IS still putting those words out there. But again -- it's all about your personal perception of what is "mean". I just know there are some who think than singing the "you're going to die soon" song to a bunch of elderly people is far more offensive than making fun of celebrities' public image.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 7, 2007 9:35:33 AM

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