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Pastor Haggard looks for pastures, greener
In an email to his New Life Church congregation sent out over the weekend, disgraced pastor Ted Haggard has indicated that his family will leave Colorado Springs and that he and his wife will start taking online courses to get their master's degrees in Psychology.
It remains to be seen if Haggard's study of the mind will help him open his own to the idea that gay folks are simply part of the spectrum of normalcy. However, that's likely only to happen if "Frozen-Over Hell" is the locale where the Haggards build their new igloo.
Haggards will leave Colo. Springs [Denver Post]
Your thoughts
Well, seeing as Hell(Michigan) is definately frozen over where I live, maybe that will happen, hey? Plenty of room for another igloo or two. ^_~
Posted by: Mia | Feb 6, 2007 8:28:18 AM
Denial, Denial, Denial. What ever was the "man" looking for? I have not been following too close about his life recently. Were his foorays into "indescetions" a "one time thing" or a pattern toward the goodlife as the only one I know. After denial and it's swagger,it was the acceptance of the man I loved and the man I am, that caused me to be "normal". Is it not true that St Paul in I Corinthians 13, writes "love does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Are we, all of us, so good and perfect to condemn and belittle others to maintain our "swagger"?
It did me no good to "swagger" and belittle others to maintain my "straight" identity. Happily I am gay and it's how it is-happily.
Posted by: warren w dunn | Feb 6, 2007 7:37:25 PM
who are you to judge?????????????? what makes it ok for you to sin????????? dont you know all people WILL fall short from gods plan but THREW HIM AND ONLY HIM they will rise again!!!!!!!!!! ONLY JESUS LIVED WITH OUT SIN! DONT FOR GET THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO BE GAY OR ON DRUDS TO GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!! A SIMPLE THOUT CAN BRING YOU DOWN FAR ANOF TO FALL TO FAR FROM GOD
Posted by: BELEAVER | Feb 10, 2009 2:09:12 PM
And Beleaver, if you want to comment on Haggard, please find a more recent post on which to leave your thoughts. Much more has developed in the past year!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 10, 2009 2:19:55 PM
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