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The one time we'll applaud an evangelical for pushing inequality

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images Picture-3-48As you might remember, refreshingly gay-friendly evangelical county clerk Freddie Oakley (pic.) designed "Certificates of Inequality" to pass out to same-sex couples who went to her office on Valentine's Day wishing to obtain a marriage license. So how many of the makeshift certificates did Oakley ultimately distribute to Yolo County, CA, same-sex couples? Around 20.

Not too shabby!

As for why she supports gay marriage so vocally -- well, Oakley indicates it's because she feels it's a civil rights issue. However, we can't help but think a fear that conservatives will extend their bans to gay-sounding marriages, thus rendering Freddie & John Oakley's nuptials null and void, might have just a little something to do with it.

After all, some poor impressionable kid might see a piece of their mail, get the wrong idea, and become corrupted!

But whatever the reasons, we applaud Ms. Oakley for standing up for our equality. Here's just hoping that within the next few years, her certificates will become as much a waste of paper as the marriage bans that they protest!

A protest for fairness: Yolo County clerk takes a stand for gay marriage [Davis Enterprise]

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