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Video: Getting why the Gittings was good

by Jeremy Hooper

On this week's episode of "Gay USA," our friends Ann and Andy aired the amazing WHYY-TV and Equality Forum documentary, "Gay Pioneers." In honor and remembrance of Barbara Gittings (who passed away this week at the age of 75), we want to show you a little bit. This is Gittings discussing her role in the pioneering demonstrations that she and other activists held each July 4 from 1965 to 1969 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia:

Guess what, folks? We're still far from achieving the rights for which Gittings & Co. were marching. As we honor Ms. Gittings' life, we must also honor the groundwork that she so boldly helped to lay. While tributes are lovely, the best way we can pay homage to this rich life is by rising up in ways currently unseen to protest the 21st century forces that keep our rights at bay.

And happily, we can do so with far less constraining dress codes!

**For more on "Gay Pioneers," click here!
**For more on "Gay USA," click

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Your thoughts


just saw the web site on "in the life" I was impressed

I have a physical impairment which makes this form of
communication very dificult, I would be much more at home
with a mic or giving a lecture of some sort still, I
want to say how glad I am that something such as this
exsist. I would one day love to speak with the founder
of the web site but, I don't know if that is proper or
even possible. Thanks for your time JB

Posted by: joe burnett | Feb 26, 2007 4:22:23 AM

The "Gay Pioneers" documentary is a very well done piece. There is now a Pennsylvania Historical marker on Independance Mall in Philadelphia commemorating the demonstrations. A wreath commemorating Barbara Gittings was placed there last week.

Posted by: bob miller | Feb 26, 2007 3:51:38 PM

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