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Video: 'I want to marry my 'Maine' squeeze!'
Oh, you militant, society-wrecking, agenda-fueled, marriage-destroying, child-damaging, shameless, stop-at-nothing activists! What are you gonna want next, respect?
The Way Life Should Be: Marriage in Maine [YouTube]
Your thoughts
I do disagree with one of the guys. There is something to be gained from a ceremony, even if it doesn't give you legal standing. A ceremony allows a couple to share their love and commitment with their friends and family. When the ELCA opened the door for same gender unions, my husband and I jumped at the chance for a church wedding. And the reception was a blast!
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Feb 12, 2007 9:52:49 AM
Thanks for posting this. What a great video showing how "ordinary" most gay people are and just wanting what everyone else has.
Posted by: john q. public | Feb 12, 2007 10:05:31 AM
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