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Video: Washington's bizarre rehab details finally revealed

by Jeremy Hooper

Almost Infamous_Episode 3 [YouTube]
*We THINK this video was created by Andy Goldenberg of LA's The 11th Hour sketch comedy troupe. If anyone knows otherwise, please let us know.

***EARLIER Washington stuff: Let's just hope he doesn't have to ask a British patient about cigarettes [G-A-Y]
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Where'd he go, the Betty Degeneres Center? [G-A-Y]
Seattle Grace soon to be Preston Burke-less? [G-A-Y]
Doghouse not good for career, Washington seeks way out [G-A-Y]
Apparently this Washington 'could not tell a lie' either [G-A-Y]
GLAAD seeks apology from Isaiah Washington; George Washington's posthumous 'sorry' remains unsolicited [G-A-Y]
Knight on Ellen on Washington: He did, in fact, slur his words [G-A-Y]
UPDATED: Washington bizarrely, overcompensatingly speaks out for gaydom [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

I just saw your clip on T.V. I know your not going to change who you are. I know what I have to say, your not really going to give a shit about, however you have this site so I'm posting on it.
You CAN'T just expect everyone to be okay with you, and your life. Your a fag, and that fine, but keep it to yourself. Trust me, if I ever walk by you on the street with my kids and I see you kissing or holding hands with some dude, I'll brake every bone in your gay little body. Keep your shit behind closed doors, so children can't see you.

I know your going to say "oh here is another person who is out to hurt me because I'm gay, oh the life I have to live". Your wrong dude, I'm just giving you the "kick in the pants" you like to give the rest of the world, as you said on the T.V show. Now Ms.Honest, how's that for truth?

PS: Every day you should call your mother and say how sorry you are for putting her through all this disrespect. You even had the nerve to go on T.V. Like it's not bad enough all the shit your putting your family through!!

**G-A-Y EDIT: For an update on this respondent and his words:

Posted by: Straight Person | Feb 2, 2007 12:22:33 AM

I was watching the clip of you on PBS (at 2:30 in the morning, hello insomnia!). I think your site is really wonderful, we talk a lot about the same sorts of things at my high school's Gay Straight Alliance. I live in Canada, so gay marriage is legal across the boards, really, and I hope the States will follow after us.

As much as American (and often Canadian) politics make it seem like equal rights is moving backwards, I really believe that it's the dying cry of the whole issue of controversy over same-sex relationships. To the generation that I'm growing up in, the teenagers around me, the common conscious is that the choice to love whoever you love is the most important thing.

The old breed of 'gay-bashers' is slowly dying out. More kids are coming out, more people are speaking out than ever before. The Rainbow Revolution will come with the Internet Generation.

Posted by: Carolyn | Feb 5, 2007 2:03:14 AM

Just saw the special on Detroit PBS. Good job. Keep up the good work. I am new to this site and will be a regular viewer. Thank you for having the courage to speak out on what you believe in and for helping those who don't have the spirt such as yours. I have been 'out' for 35 years and am still amazed at the 'ignorance' society has as a whole.

Posted by: Robert Long | Feb 5, 2007 2:28:34 AM

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