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Brownback. Gays. Blah, blah, blah.
"We should not expect someone as qualified, accomplished and articulate as General Pace to lack personal views on important moral issues," ... "In fact, we should expect that anyone entrusted with such great responsibility will have strong moral views."
"I do not believe being a homosexual is immoral, but I do believe homosexual acts are. I'm a Catholic and the church has clear teachings on this."
Those are the words of one Sam Brownback, longtime gay foe and contender for the GOP presidential nomination.
"But I'm, of course, wrong"
Those are the words with which we've yet to hear Mr. Brownback conclude one of his many, many gay-unfriendly socio-political statements, yet a caveat that we almost always feel he should include.
Brownback Echoes Pace: Gay Acts Immoral [AP via CBS News
Technorati Tags: Peter Pace, Sam Brownback