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Call for participants: U of M wants to study your love
This was sent to us by someone at the University of Minnesota, and we thought some of you kids may be eligible and interested in participating:
Participants needed for University of Minnesota relationship study: Are you in a same-sex relationship that has lasted over 10 years? Are you over the age of 50? We invite you and your partner to complete a survey that asks questions regarding what helps your relationship work, as well as what are some difficulties. We would like both you and your partner to complete the survey individually. These surveys may be completed online or through the mail and will take about twenty minutes of your time. If interested, please send your name and address or an email address to [email protected] All information gathered will be kept confidential. No names will be associated with any data that is reported. Thank you for your help.
Ah yes, 50 and older gays who have been coupled for more than ten years. Or as the religious right refers to that sect: "nonexistent." Which is precisely the reason why it's important for all of you to stand up and get counted in studies such as this one!
So if you are eligible, please shoot off an email and at least learn more. As far as we know, no electrodes or shock therapy will be involved!