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Dungy says Colts only belong with Mares
It's been speculated that he stands in opposition to our rights. However, on Tuesday evening, Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy confirmed it: He is publicly supporting an amendment to the Indiana constitution that would ban same-sex marriage.
Totally explaining why we recently found this in his playbook:
It's an "offensive" play, that one!
Today's edition of USA Today quotes Dungy as saying of his motivations:
"We're not anti-anything else. We're not trying to downgrade anyone else. But we're trying to promote the family — family values the Lord's way," Dungy said. "[The Indiana Family Institute] is saying what the Lord says. You can take that and make your decision on which way you want to be. I'm on the Lord's side."
::sigh:: And one again we must play defense against those who are trying to intercept both our rights and morality. But don't be confused, gays: Mr. Dungy's not trying to sack you as a person. This moral referee is only trying to tackle your "anti-Lord," "anti-family" love.
Don't you see the difference between those two character-based drop kicks? Good, because you shouldn't!
Colts' Dungy: 'I embrace' same-sex marriage ban [USA Today]
**UPDATE: Andy has more.
Technorati Tags: Indianapolis Colts, Tony Dungy
Your thoughts
Isn't it funny, how those so in touch with "God's" wishes always find them to conveniently mirror their own?
Posted by: Anon | Mar 21, 2007 3:26:29 PM
It's discouraging when people act like they have a copyright on God. It'd be nice if they could realize that there's room for everyone at the table.
Posted by: angie | Mar 21, 2007 7:00:29 PM
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