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Dungy says Colts only belong with Mares

by Jeremy Hooper

 Images Coaches Dungy TonyIt's been speculated that he stands in opposition to our rights. However, on Tuesday evening, Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy confirmed it: He is publicly supporting an amendment to the Indiana constitution that would ban same-sex marriage.

Totally explaining why we recently found this in his playbook:


It's an "offensive" play, that one!

Today's edition of USA Today quotes Dungy as saying of his motivations:

"We're not anti-anything else. We're not trying to downgrade anyone else. But we're trying to promote the family — family values the Lord's way," Dungy said. "[The Indiana Family Institute] is saying what the Lord says. You can take that and make your decision on which way you want to be. I'm on the Lord's side."

::sigh:: And one again we must play defense against those who are trying to intercept both our rights and morality. But don't be confused, gays: Mr. Dungy's not trying to sack you as a person. This moral referee is only trying to tackle your "anti-Lord," "anti-family" love.

Don't you see the difference between those two character-based drop kicks? Good, because you shouldn't!

Colts' Dungy: 'I embrace' same-sex marriage ban [USA Today]
**UPDATE: Andy has more.

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Your thoughts

Isn't it funny, how those so in touch with "God's" wishes always find them to conveniently mirror their own?

Posted by: Anon | Mar 21, 2007 3:26:29 PM

It's discouraging when people act like they have a copyright on God. It'd be nice if they could realize that there's room for everyone at the table.

Posted by: angie | Mar 21, 2007 7:00:29 PM

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