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It just seems...suspicious
The American Family Association is today running this poll:
So we took the poll at 5:40, and these were the results we were given:
But when we took it again at 5:42 under a different name:
Hmm....1501 new people voted against gay-firendly corporations in the span of 2 minutes? Seems high. And it's not like we took the poll the minute they sent out the e-blast:
We guess it's TECHNICALLY possible that the AFA is simply so popular that a total of 1567 people felt inclined to take their poll in the span of 120 seconds. Somehow, we're simply not buying it. But then again, we've always been a little suspect of this particular crew's methods of data collection.
If you'd like to do your own research or help our cause, click below to take the poll. You have, however, been forewarned.
Should corporations be promoting homosexuality? [AFA Poll]
Your thoughts
Posted by: Rebecca | Mar 29, 2007 6:47:20 PM
I took the survey at 4:14PDT and here are my results:
If a corporation supports the homosexual agenda, you would:
Be more likely to do business with that company.824
Be less likely to do business with that company.42,548
It would not affect my buying decision. 765
And at 4:19PDT with another email account I got these results:
Be more likely to do business with that company. 860
Be less likely to do business with that company. 43,859
It would not affect my buying decision. 790
Something's up!
Posted by: queertardo | Mar 29, 2007 7:28:31 PM
I love how the question regards a corporation supporting an "agenda", rather than providing say "equal treatment", which, in technical jargon, is called "exactly what the Constitution and justice dictate".
Posted by: Marcus | Mar 30, 2007 5:26:36 AM
I took it at about 10 this morning and there were about 45,000 votes for the less likely to do business side. Now at 11:20 there are 97,950!!! The other two choices each went up a few hundred. f somebody is up in the middle of the night, they should see how high it goes up at 3 or 4 in the morning. WWJLA (What Would Jesus Lie About?).
Posted by: Steve - Geneva, IL | Mar 30, 2007 12:22:40 PM
Isn't there a commandment about not bearing false witness or something? Oh, I checked...that's only applies to what you say about your neighbours so I suppose poll-rigging is okay.
Doesn't it seem sad when these people who are supposed to be more moral than us sinning hordes have to resort to deception to prove a point?
Posted by: John C | Mar 30, 2007 2:02:05 PM
Well, don't hold yer breath. I'd wager they'll come up with some kind of reason for this favorable to them.
Posted by: Pete | Mar 31, 2007 3:45:51 PM
A group of us tried the poll last night and someone discovered the display numbers are hard-coded into the page. Gotta love AFA.
Posted by: azalyn schezar | Apr 25, 2007 12:47:39 PM
Azalyn: We did something on it this morning:
Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 25, 2007 12:53:20 PM
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