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'L Word': lengthened
Rejoice, Tibetters! Breathe a sigh of relief, those who are "feeling very Shane today." Celebrate, "Lez Girls" everywhere! For we can announce the news that Showtime's seminal drama that has little to do with semen, "The L Word," has been renewed for a fifth season.
This news of course comes as a delight to lesbians everywhere, as they don't know how they would ever get through their Mondays without something to bitch about mercilessly. Because seriously -- if you wanna see the definition of a love/hate relationship, bring this show up in the middle of an Olivia cruise buffet line! The fur will surely fly!
The new episodes (12, as per usual) will premiere in early 2008. So what do you say, Hillary -- maybe a campaign stop at the Planet?
News about The L Word Season 5... [OurChart]
Showtime loves "L Word" for Season 5 [Reuters via Yahoo! News]
*RELATED: Confessions of a Latent 'L Word' Junkie [G-A-Y]
Technorati Tags: lesbian, The L Word