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Report: Pace, Peter will stick with support for pace, backwards
Senior staff members working for General Peter Pace have indicated that the nation's highest ranking military officer has no intention of apologizing for the insulting anti-gay remarks that he made yesterday.
But don't feel too affronted, closeted gay soldiers. After all, some people have to put up with superiors who eat really smell lunches or get bitchy when someone forgets to reload the copy machine with paper, while others have to contend with higher ranking coworkers who demean their suborninates' lives and loves as immoral. No work environment is perfect!
Aides: Pace won't apologize for gay remark [AP via Fox11AZ.com]
**UPDATE From the AP:
In a statement Tuesday, he said he should have focused more in the interview on the Defense Department policy about gays — and "less on my personal moral views."
He did not offer an apology, something that had been demanded by gay rights groups.
Pace expresses regret over gay remark [AP via Yahoo! News]
**MORE: A Statement From Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
“Yesterday, during a wide ranging interview with the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, I was asked if I think the current policy as codified in U.S. Code, generally referred to as “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” should still hold.
“People have a wide range of opinions on this sensitive subject. The important thing to remember is that we have a policy in effect, and the Department of Defense has a statutory responsibility to implement that policy.
“I made two points in support of the policy during the interview. One, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” allows individuals to serve this nation; and two, it does not make a judgment about the morality of individual acts.
“In expressing my support for the current policy, I also offered some personal opinions about moral conduct.
“I should have focused more on my support of the policy and less on my personal moral views.”
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