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Shirt case gets Supreme boot
In an 8-1 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court today agreed with a federal judge that Tyler Chase Harper -- the kid who was yanked from class in 2004 for wearing a T-shirt reading "Homosexuality is shameful (Roman 1:27)'' on the front and ''Be ashamed. Our school has embraced what God has condemned'' on the back -- lost his ability to challenge his school's dress code policy when he graduated last year. However, the case is still very much alive, and could eventually find its way back to the Supreme Court in oder to decide the free speech matters of the case.
So not really a victory or a loss, just sort of a "meh" decision.
Justice Stephen Breyer was the lone voice of dissent in yesterday's matter. That's of course likely due to his own penchant for taping messages to his own public institution-based attire:
High court declines to suspend school dress code in T-shirt case [SD Union-Tribune]
(H/t: P1Q)
(*Shirt photos: Union-Tribune)
Your thoughts
The Supreme Court did not rule on the merits. The original trial court dismissed a motion to appeal for the pesky reason that the student graduated. The Supreme Court simply upheld the dismissal of the case as moot.
Posted by: KipEsquire | Mar 6, 2007 1:35:34 PM
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