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The Far Right Side
So last week we told you how those sillies at the Traditional Values Coalition were completely misrepresenting proposed legislation designed to curb hate crimes, with the "pro-family" group presenting the bill as if it is nothing but evil homosexual propaganda. Well, today our pal Mike Rogers at blogActive has tipped us off to the latest tool in TVC's bill-demonizing arsenal -- a comic strip:
Oh, isn't that cute? Those who help propagate a biased world are turning to the graphic arts to make light of that bias. What next, "TVC's Biased Bullsh*t: The Animated Series?"
::writer bites tongue::
We already tackled each of the comic's claims in our initial condemnation of TVC's rhetoric, so we won't address each bullet point again here. Besides, this writer really doesn't have the time to do so, as he is late to his day job of stripping to his skivvies, putting on a pink head dress, and corrupting the local children with his gayness.
Here comes the hate [blogActive]
Technorati Tags: Jim Conyers
Your thoughts
Ugh. I'm sorry, but using clipart and badly spaced speechbubbles doesn't mean you've made a comic. To call that thing a comic is to insult the artform. Seriously. And what's up with the frames in the 'The Facts' section? It's a layout nightmare!
Oh, and the message sucks, too. But we knew that.
Posted by: Willie Hewes | Mar 27, 2007 10:29:21 AM
Willie, that was exactly my first reaction when Mike showed it to me. It's not only insulting, it's also just BAD.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 27, 2007 10:32:13 AM
The devil not only has the best tunes but the best graphic designers as well. :)
Posted by: John C | Mar 27, 2007 11:17:25 AM
Wow, that's a special kind of stupid.
Posted by: jaj | Mar 27, 2007 7:01:08 PM
Whats up with the talking "t"?
Posted by: Matt | Apr 13, 2007 5:38:30 PM
Great article on the Far Right. I think they are just putting their foot in their mouth with some of the comments
Posted by: Jay Denton | May 22, 2007 5:09:06 AM
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