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The Maine goal, Mr. Heath, is liberty and justice for ALL
In a column he recently wrote for the Portland Press Herald, the Christian Civic League of Maine's Michael Heath (pic.) says:
A judge sometime in the near future is going to put Maine's domestic partnership definition (which includes homosexual partnerships) together with the recently enacted sexual orientation law and force either civil unions or same-sex marriage -- and there will be nothing anyone can do about it.
When Maine joins Massachusetts, know that it didn't happen simply because politicians caved into the demands of a vocal minority. Maine's Christians gave up. They stopped practicing their freedom to speak out and consequently lost their civilization to the oldest religion in the book -- paganism.
We reply:
"Well, you're absolutely right that Maine will soon have either civil unions or full marriage, Mr. Heath. In fact, the day when every state will have full equality is certainly in the not-too-distant future. However, this will not happen because anti-gay rights Christians 'stopped practicing their freedom to speak out.' This will happen because those Americans who realize that nobody's personal religious beliefs are suitable justifications for bias will have finally had their voices heard!
Now, you may think that this reclaiming of the secular is basically the same thing as 'paganism,' a word you clearly use because you know it reads negatively to a large portion of the population. In reality, however, it is true 'religious freedom,' the kind where people are free to believe whatever the want (or nothing at all), and to not have their church-spearated government legislate on the basis of one moral viewpoint! Politicians who realize this and help us achieve equality will not be 'caving into the demands of a vocal minority.' They will instead be 'caving into the demands' of their state and federal constitutions, as well as supporting the idea that this tax-paying 'vocal minority' is just as American as those who insist on casting stones at their lives and loves!"
Don't give legal nod to same-sex 'families' [Portland Press Herald]
Your thoughts
I think you missed the best part:
"LD 375 gives homosexual activists something they must have to gain what they must not get (for their own good)."
Translation: We oppress you for your own good.
Call it "straight man's burden."
Posted by: KipEsquire | Mar 21, 2007 1:14:56 PM
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