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Video: An Inconvenient Cough

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember those educational videos (or film strips) they used to show in junior high to discuss vital social issues like alcohol abuse, eating disorders, or cancer of the butt? Well, imagine one of those, but on the issue of smoking. Oh, and replace all of your straight classmates with gay ones. You then might be left with a video that looks much like this one:

Seriously, watching the video takes this writer right back to seventh grade science class, where I'm pretending that it's Victoria, not Michael, who's causing my Hypercolor tee to change from blue to yellow. ::sigh:: What's more fun on a Friday afternoon than nostalgic remembrance of repressed desire?

For more gay-centric resources regarding smoking cessation, you can visit the site below. For more of this writer's tales of suppressed adolescent feelings, just post something semi-gay related to YouTube that also somehow involves Zach Morris, then sit back and wait for a slow news day.

Smoke Free GLBT [SFGLBT]

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Your thoughts

Okay Jeremy. You can level with us here. Just between us friends....

You're much too young to know what film strips are, aren't you?

Posted by: Jim Burroway | Mar 16, 2007 6:58:08 PM

Lol. My elementary school used film strips, but I think it was more because they were poor than anything else. The kids featured always looked suspiciously liked they were now older than our teachers.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 16, 2007 7:04:02 PM

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