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Video: Poppin' a squat for equality
In protest of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler's comments in regards to reversing the sexual orientation of gays, the folks on the Soulforce Equality Ride decided to sit on their butts and do nothing:
They should at least bring like some collapsible stools and maybe a Nintendo DS. Doritos and a root beer, maybe? After all, we see no reason why you can't be both politically engaged and comfortable.
Then again, we tend to fight the "culture wars" in pajama bottoms!
In some semblance of seriousness: Thanks, Equality Riders, for your bravery and efforts. You're putting some nice ideas out there for these religious conservatives to chew on. While those with whom you conserve may seem closed off to your words, we imagine that when they lay in bed at night and all is quiet in the world, they must have to consider the message that you are sending!
Soulforce Equality Riders sit-in at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary [Google Video]
Your thoughts
go Soulforce
Posted by: Rio | Jun 5, 2009 2:38:46 AM
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