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Where'd ya learn comedy, Coulter, the Michael Richards School?

by Jeremy Hooper
C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.”

The above is Ann Coulter's "explanation" for unbelievably using the word "faggot" in reference to John Edwards.


The above is a concept that Ms. Coulter doesn't seem to have ever mastered.

G.O.P. Candidates Criticize Slur by Conservative Author [NY Times]

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Your thoughts

I was just reading Bob Cesca on this at Huffingtonpost. I've seen a lot of misguided comment over the past couple of days claiming that she had every right (in a freedom of speech sense) to speak her mind. This doesn't address the "why" of the remark. Cesca nails it:

"Coulter, who isn't (intentionally) a comedian or satirist, meant to imply that Edwards is gay and, by using "faggot" as an insult, she implied that gay people (a minority) are inferior. It wasn't mentioned in a way that satirizes anti-gay bigotry, as many comedians and satirical writers sometimes do, it was intended to harm Edwards' reputation. This particular f-word is mostly used with the intention of being offensive towards gay people as well as the object of the insult, as if to say, "Gay men talk funny. They're girly and they like anal sex. Just like you, John Edwards.""

"A defining tenet of bigotry is that it's used by people in a position of strength (in this case, white male Ann Coulter) against a minority (the gay community)."

Coulter is Fred Phelps in drag.

EDIT: Link to HuffPo post:

Posted by: John C | Mar 5, 2007 9:56:02 AM

That is a very true assessment, John C. And it would seem to be further proven in her "explanation," where she doesn't apologize for or even mention the word "f*ggot." Instead she uses the term "gays," seemingly suggesting that the two are interchangeable

Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 5, 2007 10:01:46 AM

Coulter is an evil, evil woman. Here's an amazingly trashy story about her that you might enjoy: http://ifuckedanncoulterintheasshard.blogspot.com

Posted by: Jason Buckley | Mar 5, 2007 10:29:45 AM

Coulter strikes me as being the politico pundit version of Howarn Stern. Like any "shock jock" she says what will get her the most attention and sells whatever she has to offer (books, tapes, etc.). I have no problem defending her right to make a complete ass of herself, but I likewise assert my right to point out what a big one she really is. Nevertheless, I have to admit that her comment to the Times made me chuckle. It reminded me somewhat of Bentsen's backhanded slap to Quayle years ago.

Posted by: John | Mar 5, 2007 6:38:00 PM

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