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Eliot officially says 'I do' to Bill

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images Picture-34-1As expected, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer is today introducing into the legislature a bill that would legalize same-sex nuptials in the Empire State. Also, just as expected, this sort of thing was said:

For the past 5,000 years, marriage between man and woman has been the bedrock of any society,” explained Roger Bogsted, chairman in the Nassau County Conservative Party, in a statement. “We have too many people trying to reinvent what the natural order of things is. What's the redeeming value in gay marriage? I see none.

But fortunately, Eliot does see the redeeming value in marriage and has decided to become the first governor in the nation to ever introduce such legislation. And he (presumably) also sees that 5,000 years ago, wives were their husband's property, interracial unions were disallowed, wives could be stoned to death for adultery, and concepts like polygamy (now much derided by gay marriage opponents) were commonplace. And Spitzer also seems to realize that the "natural order of things" is big enough to include those to whom same-sex relations come naturally.

So will his bill ultimately pass? Probably not. However, over the next 5,000, nay, 10 years, it will be Mr. Bogstead's limited views on acceptable couplings that will ultimately go the way of both dinosaurs and dowries!

Spitzer introduces a marriage bill [The Agenda]
N.Y. Gov. Proposes Gay 'Marriage' Bill with No 'Realistic Shot' [Christian Post]

**ALSO: To send a thank you to Gov. Spitzer for his principled gumption, Empire State Pride has a handy system set up for you.

**Here's Spitzer's press release on the bill.

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Your thoughts

Now if we could only get the California legislature and the New York governor together. Sigh.

Posted by: Jeff | Apr 27, 2007 12:06:22 PM

Great minds, Jeff: I just said the exact same thing to my partner.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 27, 2007 12:46:10 PM

Well.... to be a bit more accurate: 5000 years ago inter-ratial marriage was not forbidden - Moses had an ethiopian wife. And kings of various nations married the daughters or other kingdoms. But then again it was also OK to marry your sister (Abraham did) or two sisters (Jacob did). And if your brother died you were required to impregnate your sister-in-law (Onan was zapped by God for not doing so).

Posted by: Timothy | Apr 27, 2007 2:14:59 PM

Timothy: To be more accurate, perhaps we should have said "over the past 5,000" years," these things have happened, rather than place a specific time stamp on when each of the marital concepts were in practice. And yes, there are certainly many, many more exampled of historical/"traditional" marriage ideas that have evolved over time.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 27, 2007 2:25:02 PM

I'm glad that Governor Spitzer is keeping his promise to the gay community. It will be seen if the Legislature will pass it.

Posted by: don l | Apr 28, 2007 9:30:56 AM

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