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'Former gay' in bed with 'current racist copyright violator'?

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images Picture-3-90So John at Americablog has made a very interesting discovery about the latest practices employed by professional "ex-gay" Stephen Bennett. Among his indiscretions:

-Encouraged his followers to watch a video that uses footage blatantly lifted from a pro-gay video (which has been we-wrapped with anti-gay title screens) -- CHECK

-Encouraged his followers to watch a video that uses the word "faggot" as one of its category tags -- CHECK

-Encouraged his followers to watch a video that was uploaded by someone who also uploaded clips with titles like "Keep America white," "Hitler," "Blacks are racist," "Black Itelligence," and "Black Crime" -- CHECK

For all of this and more, head over to Americablog:

Concerned Women for America spokesman promotes white supremacist videomaker on YouTube [Americablog]

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