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'Good Morning' on why it's not 'good' to 'mourn' your sexual truth

by Jeremy Hooper

Abc Gma Gay 070423 SpYet another television outlet has jumped on the "ex-gay" bandwagon, with ABC's "Good Morning America" today doing a story about Christine Bakke and her failed attempt at "changing" the unchangeable:

Woman Speaks Out About Gay 'Cure' (video and story) [ABC]

You know, they say there is no such thing as bad publicity; however, we can't help but think that all of the media interest in the "ex-gay" movement has got to have a negative effect on their credibility soon enough. For you might fool people into believing that there are thousands and thousands of former homosexuals for a bit of time, but eventually the public at large is going to question why then they keep seeing the same five "experts" -- Chambers, Fryrear, Nicolosi, etc. -- doing all the vouching for such a thriving, busting at the seams movement!

So keep shining a spotlight on this fallacious movement, national media. For far too long it's only been those of us who follow such matters who've realized what a charade the whole anti-she/shebang is. And why should we have all the head-shaking, exasperated reactions to grown adults supporting something that is unsupported by all science and reason fun?

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Your thoughts

Thank YOU! for all the coverage you have been giving through the years. Bit by bit, I think America will hear a fuller and fuller story about these ex-gay experiences.

Now Christine Bakke and I will be in NYC on Wednesday for lunch and would love to meet up with you Good As You gods. So if you are free, let me know. (yes, you are in NYC?)

Posted by: Peterson Toscano | Apr 23, 2007 8:52:41 PM

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