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It'd be kind of like us buying 'StopGayMarriageNow.com'

by Jeremy Hooper

You know what would be truly offensive? If those who are actually trying to keep gays from receiving hate crimes protections create a website under the duplicitous name, StopHateCrimesNow.com. It'd be annoying for them to take such a righteous domain for their unrighteous cause, right? After all, some nice anti-hate organization could put it to good use.

Yea, well, the aforementioned scenario is exactly what the folks at Faith2Action have done, launching a site at this domain that encourages folks to oppose legislation that would work to curb gay-focused violence. Or in other words: Legislation that would truly work to STOP HATE CRIMES NOW!

Clearly, KeepGaysUnprotectedAgainstTheViolentActsThatEvenTheDimmestAmongUs
, was already taken!

Adding insult to insult, our opposition is once again exploiting the 2004 arrest of the so-called "Philadelphia 11," featuring videos on the site of two elderly women who were taken into custody as part of that now-infamous anti-gay protest:

Picture 4-56
(click to watch on Faith 2 Action's site)

No word on why Faith2Action didn't just use that protest's ringleader, Michael Marcavage, to sell their fallacious message. However, that's likely because two grandmothers present a much more marketable front than the kind of man who blames Hurricane Katrina on gays and boobs:

"Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge"

StopHateCrimesNow? Really? You Sure About That [STHN]

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Your thoughts

So much for age bringing wisdom. No wonder why the grandkids don't call.

Posted by: Franc | Apr 16, 2007 11:14:10 PM

A noncommercial site on either side of the issue ought to be a .org instead of a .com, anyway.

Posted by: Dan T. | Mar 25, 2010 7:17:06 AM

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