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LaRue LaThrough with CWA
Jan LaRue, a Concerned Women For America staffer who has had more than a few disparaging things to say about gays over the years, is reportedly leaving her position at CWA and moving to Texas.
Most annoyed about her move? Texas' "lone star," who was planning on becoming a duo with an incandescent being whose celestial body is similar to its own, and who will now have to listen to Ms. LaRue bitch mercilessly about its unworthiness to be classified as "heavenly."
D.C. Loses One, Gains One (last story) [Tony Perkin's Wash. Update]
Technorati Tags: Jan LaRue
Your thoughts
Why does she have to come HERE?!!!
We have to deal with the likes of John Cornyn, Joe Barton, Tom Delay and that's the just a short list.
Now, we're going to have to up with her too!
Posted by: Patrick Sullivan | Apr 5, 2007 3:28:00 PM
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