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Smokin' six pack, A-gay

by Jeremy Hooper

This headline comes courtesy of the nation's most prominent junk scientist, Paul Cameron:

Picture 7-45

There's no point in even delving into the research that Mr. Cameron uses to make his claims, as anyone who knows anything about the "culture war" knows that Paul Cameron is about as credible as a thirty-year-old home pregnancy test that's been housed for the past decades in a jar of pickle brine. So what this writer will instead do is simply show Mr. Cameron exactly which part of my ass...


...he can kiss.

Homosexuality More Dangerous Than Smoking [Christian Newswire]

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Your thoughts

This makes sense, given that homosexual people are embattled for more of their lives than heterosexual people - avoiding gay bashing, losing support of family and friends, fighting for equal rights, fighting to build their own families, fighting to protect their partners and their relationships, etc.

Takes a lot out of ya, y'know?

Homosexuals might live longer if the Fringe Extremists just left us alone!

Posted by: Steve | Apr 3, 2007 9:29:34 AM

Kirk Cameron? I recall seeing the actor Kirk Cameron in some anti-gay propaganda. Is it the same, or are all Kirk Camerons homophobes?

Posted by: Mike | Apr 3, 2007 9:57:04 PM

Teehee...I didn't even make the connection between this Kirk Cameron and the "Growing Pains" star. While the former Mike Seaver does seem to now stand in opposition to gay rights, he is not the one mentioned in this instance. This one is Paul Cameron's son (and fellow peddler of misinformation).

Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 3, 2007 10:02:26 PM

i think Kirk Cameron is gay....i saqw him in some movie
where he was a track athlete or something and was wearing
these tight shorts and he just looked gay to me, the way he
walked and everything....

Posted by: fred | May 19, 2008 11:20:05 PM

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