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TVC comics: Marvel at the lunacy

by Jeremy Hooper

Remember last month when we showed you a comic that the Traditional Values Coalition had released in order to condemn LGBT-centric hate crimes protections? Well folks, they're at it again (click for full size):

 Images Comics 042607-612

Yes, the TVC bunch is still working the drag queen angle, in a blatant to scare those readers who may be on the fence about gays, yet who are completely freaked out by the idea of a man in a dress. And of course they try and muddy the waters between drag queens and transgender individuals, as in their minds, there is no difference between a man who performs in garish get ups as a means of entertainment, and an individual whose inner sense of self truly does not match the body they've been given. Gays/ drag queens/ lesbians/ the transgender community -- we are all "freaks" to them, and any attempt to make the world understand us a little bit better is threatening to their all-encompassing, LGBT-demonizing world view!

So wretched.

Now if you'll excuse this writer, he must grab his wig and head to Barney Frank's house for today's "Drag Queen Month" festivities. Today the bisexuals are going to drink babies' blood, the lesbians will force our agenda down the throats of impressionable school children, the gay boys will go around shredding the marriage certificates of heterosexual couples, the transgender folks will criminalize Christians for their religious beliefs, and the drag queens will hijack the media to use for our community's destructive purposes. Should be fun!

TVC Comics -- Congress Declares April Drag Queen Month [TVC]

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Your thoughts

I cannot believe the levels of sleaze to which these people will sink. Thank you very much for your wonderful blog.

Posted by: ptboat | Apr 27, 2007 10:33:19 AM

God still hasn't be gracious enough to gift that poor comic artist with any design sense, it seems.

Posted by: John C | Apr 28, 2007 10:50:19 AM

The people at TVC are sick. They need psychiatric help, fast.

Posted by: David | Apr 30, 2007 6:19:52 AM

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