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Video: Another group casts God as school terrorist
This video has been produced by the American Family Association, who sent a link around in an email blast to supporters:
So God is punishing this nation because of their affairs? Gee, where have we heard that before?
The lines between "extremists" and "mainstream religious opponents" become just a little more blurred with every passing day. Good thing the plane on in which most of us live is less of a non-stop God-directed horror movie, and more a pretty cool place where really shitty stuff happens from time to time.
The Day They Kicked God out of the Schools [YouTube]
**Oh, and as pointed out in our comments section: Taber, AB, Canada, is not so much here (where the crosshairs are fear-mongeringly placed in the video)...
...as it is here (where the green arrow is less frighteningly placed below):
Your thoughts
That's an all time low for the AFA. Should we be expecting something similar from Focus on the Family?
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Apr 19, 2007 5:32:43 PM
...and then they said "We're going to start hating certain portions of the population because it works to our advantage politically" and we said...
...stop it? please?
Posted by: angie | Apr 19, 2007 9:29:55 PM
Do you notice how most of those shootings are in states where the "Christians" ensure God is pretty much everywhere - including the schools? It is in the red states that you get the "rally round the flag" student-led prayer circles to open the year, and Jesus clubs in all the schools - why are they the ones most likely to have school shootings? Hmmm
Posted by: CPT_Doom | Apr 20, 2007 7:06:08 AM
Maybe they could try to correctly locate Alberta before putting it on the map!
Posted by: Canuck | Apr 22, 2007 6:49:28 PM
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