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You get it? It's because she's big. You need us to explain the subtle nuances or are you good?

by Jeremy Hooper

Sean Delonas, the NY Post's perennially "gay-friendly" cartoonist, strikes again:

 Delonas 2007 04 04192007

Okay, so we know he's not attacking her sexual orientation, but rather her size. However, as we said the last time he attacked Rosie's weight: While we realize making fun of Rosie O'Donnell's size is an easy joke that pre-dates her own coming out as a lesbian, when such an unwarranted, excessive, cruel representation comes from the pen of "Mr. Gay Marriage Will Lead To Sheep-F**ing," it's hard to not think that his personal opinions of Ms. O'Donnell may have added a few inches to her caricature's girth.

But even if his penchant for homophobic depictions had no bearing on this latest drawing: Making fun of Rosie's wight, Sean? Does your business card read "Intellectually Lazy Political Cartoonist" or "Maestro of Pedestrian Referential Witticisms"?

Delonas -- April 19 [NY Post]

**RELATED: So much more clever conserva-toonists would need be, if only she were a size 3 [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

What is the joke here exactly?

- "Rosie is fat... like a whale."

You're right about this guy being lazy. How can this be considered even slightly topical humor? What's next, a cartoon where Howie Mandel's head is confused for a basketball? "Get it? He's bald"

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Apr 19, 2007 4:34:08 PM

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