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Action Alert: Give your rep a ringy dingy!
So we've just been given a heads up that folks on the "pro-family" side of things are bombarding legislators with calls asking that they oppose the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (which is in turn making some legislators a little nervous). At first this struck us as a big surprise, as the social conservatives' attempts to derail the measure have been so absurdly off-base or flat out WRONG this go-round, that we honestly felt like even some of their staunch supporters were catching on to the nature of their disinformation campaigns. But then we remembered that those of us who dedicate our time to such political discourse, while growing in numbers, are still a relatively small group. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who will support anything coming from the AFA, TVC, FRC, FOF, or CWA's mouths. After all, they are told that if they don't support the "moral" endeavors that those groups back, then their families, freedoms, thoughts, and even the whole of society are at stake.
Our side? Well, we're a rag tag crew of many faiths and backgrounds, therefore making us far less easy to rally. We also tend to be bigger fans of rational consideration that's backed with reasoned study, not baseless fear (though that is, of course, our subjective opinion).
So here's the deal, kids: We're not going to threaten you with an Apocalyptic outlook or afterlife retribution in this message. We are, however, going to ask that you call your representative and support what we feel to be a truly righteous measure. No matter what the religious right wants you to believe, HR 1592 is not an attempt to prosecute anyone's thoughts, but rather it is designed to stop bias-motivated violence against a community of people that is still all-too-realisitcally targeted!
Don't know your representative? Call the U.S. Capital Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, or find them using this handy map. If you need help with what to say, HRC has provided a form letter you can follow. Just send the message that you HAVE done you homework on the bill and that you'd like to see it passed into law!
If you don't, society will spontaneously combust.