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Biblical advocate to 'pro-fam' groups: Your stones are cast too narrowly!
So Phil Magnan of the Biblical Family Advocates thinks we gays are living in sin. He also thinks that concepts such as divorce are outside of God's plan. But you know what? We actually agree with him (about something else).
This from his latest press release, titled Hypocrisy of Hating Homosexuality, While Ignoring Cohabitation and Adultery:
"There is no doubt that homosexuality is immoral before God, we see that in the scriptures, but the very same scriptures hate the immorality of unbiblical divorces and cohabitations. God does not wink at sin just because it's a heterosexual committing it" says Phil Magnan, Director of Biblical Family Advocates. "Apparently heterosexuals are setting the example for the homosexual community thinking that if you are 'loving and monogamous,' it must be acceptable before God."
"How can we as Christians have any moral credibility before God and man when we are practicing the very thing we condemn in the form of immoral marital practices? Until we show as much hatred for our own sin in our churches and demand repentance we will continue to destroy the sanctity of marriage, even more than same sex marriage proponents. We have not been a very good example of morality or godliness before God and man."
Okay, so obviously we don't agree with Mr. Magnan regarding the "immorality" of homosexuality. Beyond that, we don't agree with ANYONE who would assert that there is "no doubt" about God's views on anything, especially when they use their personal interpretation of a mutli-translated work of man as their sole basis. The actual knowledge that can be culled from the reality of the world is far too complex for such Godly oversimplifications.
We also disagree with Mr. Magnan about the "immorality" of cohabitation and divorce. As for adultery, we are more on the same page. However, we don't so much find it "immoral" in the eyes of God as we find it disgusting to the nature of monogamous commitment.
We also disagree with him about hate crimes legislation.
That all being said, however, we actually want to thank Mr. Magnan for bringing forth the issue of hypocrisy among our religious opponents. There is not a day that goes by that our organized opposition does not launch some sort of verbal attack against the gay community. Sometimes, it really seems disingenuous that any of them identify themselves as anything other than the ANTI-HOMO/ABORTO SQUAD (with abortion being their other oft-mentioned "issue"). However, the Bible -- which they insist must be taken (their version of) literally in terms of issues like the ones just mentioned -- is a large tome with lots and lots to say about lots and lots of things. Sure, these "pro-family" groups talk about divorce and cohabitation every once in awhile. However, this disparity in the ink that they've dedicated to gays and that which they've committed to things which are condemned in much harsher ways [see the 7th commandment in terms of fidelity; the 6th in terms of war; the 2nd in terms of Melinda Doolitte (j/k)].
So yes, it would seem possible for us to disagree with someone on about 99.9% of world views, yet be in full agreement regarding the way the AFA, TVC, FRC, FOF, CWA, etc. tend to conduct their adultery affairs. After all, if they are truly serious about their strict ideas regarding "God's plan for marriage," then one would think they'd want to staunchly address "issues" that are far more addressed in the Almighty's matrimonial formula.
Hypocrisy of Hating Homosexuality, While Ignoring Cohabitation and Adultery [Christian News Wire]