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It's Not TV. It's H-O-M-O
So those gay-decrying extremists at the American Family Association have compiled a list of the "Top Ten Pro-Homosexual Sponsors on Television." Their list, in order:
Ford Motor Company
Procter & Gamble
Glaxo Smith Kline
Daimler Chrysler
Quaker Oats
Our immediate reaction: SUPPORT THEM ALL!!!!! Our second reaction, however: No Orbitz on the list? Really?
But here's the truly humorous part: The AFA culled their data by watching eight prime time network programs for a three month period. And what "gay agenda"-laden shows did they watch? Well:
"Ugly Betty"
"Desperate Housewives"
"The Simpsons"
"The Office"
"Brothers & Sisters"
"Grey's Anatomy"
"The Class"
So basically, they watched shows that don't mercilessly decry gay people and counted the number of times the aforementioned companies showed a commercial during that time slot. And those companies that choose to advertise on these hit shows that don't preach Leviticus: Well, they of course have one of those "gay agendas" that we've heard so much about!
Unreal. They seriously don't want to even acknowledge that we exist, and they will mercilessly attack any company who even benignly does! They will not rest until we are invisible and condemned.
Well guess what, AFA? Then you will not rest! We are here to stay and we staunchly support good, accepting companies who truly know what is best for society. We will not stand for shows that seem like they are written by the staff of the "700 Club." So make your little lists and lash out all you want against the entertainment and advertisers that are TRULY decent enough to see that we are part of the spectrum of life. Something tells us that Meredith Grey and Bart Simpson will do just fine without your eyes glued to their evil, twisted, perverted agendas!
Top Ten Pro-Homosexual Sponsors on Television [AFA]
Your thoughts
So what they're saying then is that these are the companies I should buy from? My, thoughtful of them. ;-)
Posted by: John | May 16, 2007 12:55:30 PM
Exactly, John. But honestly, in this case, it doesn't even mean the companies are pro-gay. It just means that they enjoy advertising on hit TV shows!
Posted by: G-A-Y | May 16, 2007 12:58:16 PM
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