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Let's just hope 'Tommy Thompson's Leather Bar' never becomes a real biz

by Jeremy Hooper

To the question, "If a private employer finds a homosexual worker immoral, should he be able to fire the worker?" presidential candidate Tommy Thompson responded during last night's GOP debate: "I think that is left up to the individual business. I really, sincerely believe that that is an issue that business people have got to make then on their own determination as to whether or not they should be." He then, during further questioning, proceeded to reiterate that long-winded response with a terse, direct, "Yes."

Go head over to AmericaBlog to watch that video for yourselves:

Picture 1-74
(Click to watch)

But Americablog also reports that a Thompson staffer later retracted the statement in an email exchange to an enraged viewer, with the staffer saying Thompson had misheard the question:

Tommy Thompson retracts anti-gay statement made during debate - that was quick [Americablog]

So what, did he think the question was: "If a private employer finds a homosexual worker dressed in coral, should he be able to say "hi" to the worker?"?!

On second thought: The Thompson camp doesn't seem to have released an official statement yet. We better not give them any ideas on how to dig themselves out of this gay-unfriendly hole!!

**UPDATE: "explanation" on "Real TIme"

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