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N.H.: Almost-marriages one step closer to less-than-equal reality
Well, it's official: New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch has signed legislation that will, starting in January, make civil unions legal in the Granite State.
So mark the date, New Hampshire gays. For May 31, 2007 will live in your history as the official day that made students of 2050 ask their teachers:
"Wait a second -- You mean to tell me there was a separate system in this state that required certain tax-paying couples to take alternate routes in order to have their relationships legally recognized? What the crazy? I mean, I guess it was better than nothing, which is what I hear was the almost unbelievable case prior to 2007. But it just seems so offensive to me that certain citizens were asked to participate in a whole separate institution!
Well, at least it was corrected a few years later. I tell ya, teacher, you who lived through the first part of this century has some really wacky priorities!! Who was leading the nation at that time again? Wait, was it that dude that was impeached before his time was up, or am I thinking of someone else?"
[::student struggles to think of the name of the highly unpopular president who was booted from office::]
Eh, well, whoever it was, he surely wasn't leading this nation down the civil rights course that his successors rightfully demanded of this EQUAL nation! Right teacher?"
So wise, those 2050 students!
But congratulations, New Hampshire, for we do recognize civil unions as a great step in the right direction. Now let's work to take the next one in your state, so that maybe we can eventually all move on with our (married) lives!
N.H. governor signs civil unions law [AP/ Sierra TImes]