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No, Mr. Perkins, it's only 'rotten to the core of your readership!'

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 7-50

The above is the headline that Tony Perkins (or his ghostwriter) is using to detail NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer's pushes to, among other things, legalize same-sex marriage in the Empire State. And this, my friends, should give you an example of just how mean-spritied the "moral" crowd -- of which Perkins is a top dog -- truly can be.

Just think about it for a second. He is calling an attempt to grant gay couples the rights that they so desperately seek "rotten to the core." Now, this writer is a Big Apple resident who has been in a monogamous, committed relationship for many years. And when I say monogamous and committed, I mean the two of us will hardly even go to the grocery store without one another. It's truly disgusting (though not in the way that Perkins would like you to believe)! When my partner is away, I crave his return. When we are together, we are dynamic. We would gladly give our lives for the other's protection. We laugh heartily and we love passionately. We plan to begin the process of adopting a third member of our family (fouth -- sorry Bosley) in two years. We are excited to expand not only our immediate family, but also the large, vibrant group of brothers, sisters, in-laws, aunts, uncles, and assorted realties that make up our large support system. All of them New Yorkers or Jerseyites; all of them with a wish to see our union recognized in the way that they can full-well see that it deserves to be.

We are good, decent people who contribute to New York in many ways. We break no laws. We vote in even the most minor of elections. We speak out against local and state injustices, whether major or trivial. We're committed to the betterment of both our immediate surroundings and the world around us. We love this city and state, and we plan to never leave.

So back to the headline: An attempt to grant us the right to marry is a policy that is "rotten to the core"? Sorry, Mr. Perkins, but while there are several things rotten about the way some human beings treat their fellow man, there is nothing rotten about extending protections to the family that I hold so dear! If you think the governor and policies of the Big Apple are so rotten, then please, by all means, refrain from coming here as part of your summer vacation. Your absence outside the "Today" show window will allow the breakfast that this "traditional" family eats together every morning to go about in an unspoiled manner.

Big Apple Policies Rotten to the Core [FRC, Washington Update]

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Your thoughts

Awwww...congratulations on your planned adoption! You'll make great dads. (And Bosley is really cute!)

Posted by: Marie S | May 12, 2007 6:37:51 PM

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