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'Pro-fams' narrowly define America, polling, accuracy...
You know how we're always telling you how deliberately misleading the "pro-family" movement can be? Well, here's another example, courtesy of Focus on the Family.
On today's broadcast of FOF's "Family News in Focus" (click link to listen; comment comes in last quarter), the announcer said of animosity towards Christians:
"According to a poll by OneNewsNow.com, 40% of Americans believe hostility towards Christianity is mounting. Those surveyed point the finger at the mass media for posting articles or airing programs that condemn the faithful."
Okay. So first off, the cited poll actually seems to be misquoted. The text and the responses from One News Now actually read:
So it's not that 40% of respondents thought hostility was increasing, with the majority thinking the anti-Chrsitian media was to blame the most. ALL of the respondents indicated a belief that hostility was increasing (with the majority blaming the media)! That's a big difference in terms of the representative sample.
Which brings us to the second point, which is: In what sort of a world do One News Now readers represent the American public at large?! Because in case you weren't aware, ONN is the "news" arm of the very extreme, very anti-gay, American Family Association. Here, check out some of their other polls:
If this is a rep. sample of America, then our Manhattan bubble must be even more impermeable than we even thought! Call us crazy liberal radicals if you wish, but we'd like to think that fewer than 92% of the populace will be boycotting Disney theme parks solely because the Mouse House is now allowing gay commitment ceremonies within its confines. And we'd also like to think that fewer than 66.5% would be so bold as to call biblical speech against homosexuality "the truth." And we'd like to think the One News Now is a far from an accurate place to obtain unbiased date on matters regarding Christianity/ gays!
So getting back to the "Family News in Focus" broadcast: You sure you want to stick with that 40% number, FOF? After all, it would seem that in the America not solely comprised of folks who use words like "culture war" and "sanctity of marriage," you might get a far more accurate reading on who and what is actually being attacked in this country!
Family News in Focus - Focus on the Family (May 8) [One Place]
(H/t: Dan Gonzales)
Your thoughts
"What is the primary cause of increasing animosity towards Christians?"
Assuming that there WAS increasing animosity towards them (and for myself, yes, I DO feel increasing animosity towards that small segment of Christianity that One News Now acknowledges as sharing a religion with them), the first option should definitely have been:
"The actions of said Christians"
Seriously. Why do I dislike Mr Falwell, Mr Robertson, Mr.....? Because of what they've said and done!
Quite simple, really...
Posted by: Anon | May 8, 2007 6:46:33 PM
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