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Report: Brit army has priorities straight diversified
The NY Times reported today that Military of Defense officials in the Britain have revealed virtually no major incidents since they chose back in 2000 to lift their ban on gay soldiers:
Gay Britons Serve in Military With Little Fuss, as Predicted Discord Does Not Occur [NY Times]
So will this be a British concept that, like the Beatles or Spice Girls, catches fire here on our shores, or will it be one of those ideas that never quite makes its ways to the states (like spotted dick)? Well, it's a policy that's working, fair, right, and progressive -- so give the U.S. about 10 years to catch up.
Your thoughts
Gays and Lesbians have served openly in the Canadian Military even longer than in Britain without major incident.
Posted by: Gavin Stephenson-Jackman | May 21, 2007 8:10:34 PM
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