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TVC's prayer ruined -- RUINED! -- by crushing vote of tolerance
So how how does the Traditional Values Coalition respond to today's hate crimes vote?
Ah yes, that's exactly what happened -- the lawmakers slapped Christians in the face! It's not that they actually worked to stop gay folks from LITERALLY being smacked in the face. No, no -- they instead proverbially attacked Christians on their big day. Because in case you forgot, lawmakers who work to stem the tide of violent crime are aggressive militants dead set on criminalizing The Lord's Prayer!
Now, never mind that "Christians" is not an adequate descriptor for those opposed to hate crimes legislation, as many members of that religious identity actually wish to see hate crimes eliminated as much as anyone. And never mind that opposing hate and violence is actually a Biblical concept. It's just far easier and WAY more fear-mongery to say: H.R. 1592 -- TOTAL JESUS-HATING BASTARD!!
::sigh, eye roll, head shake combo::
We're not even going to waste ink with Ms. Lafferty's statements on the matter, as they're just more of the same sorts of lies and misrepresentations about ministers being criminalized that we've seen TVC propagate for months. Instead we will just say to Ms. Lafferty: Perhaps your "religious freedom"-based reasons for opposing this bill might hold a little more merit if your organization's every gay-related move didn't "smack" of nut-crazy homophobia:
House Of Representatives Slaps Christians In Face On The National Day Of Prayer [TVC]
Your thoughts
To quote Wonkette: "In six-and-a-half spectacular years in office, Our Leader has vetoed exactly two bills and is now ready to veto a third. What three things in the whole world did George want to veto? *Curing old people of Alzheimer's.*Ending the slaughter of Americans in Iraq. *Making the killing of gays a crime." http://www.wonkette.com/politics/dept%27-of-hate-crimes/here-comes-veto-number-3-homosexuals-257530.php
What a legacy!
I don't pay taxes so that this administration can observe a "National Day of Prayer" with the likes of right-wing homophobic hatemongers like James and Shirley Dobson. Why the hell are my taxes going towards something like this?! They can have all the prayer days or whatever that they want, but on someone else's dime not mine. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
Posted by: EvilPoet | May 3, 2007 4:14:16 PM
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