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Video: Colbert on intolerant right(s)

by Jeremy Hooper

In response to the successful House passage of HR 1592, Colbert last night added this gem to the discourse:

The layperson may think Colbert's overly-exageratting his satirical take, but those of us who have followed this debate know: It's actually sort of shocking just how similar his rant is to the religious right's own deliberate attempts to misrepresent this legislation

Actually, on second thought: He didn't try to exploit the VA Tech tragedy, present a revisionist version of a House transcript, or place Jesus on a wanted poster. If anything, he UNDERSOLD the lunacy!


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Your thoughts

Honestly, he was using the same word so many times both with an without a negating prefix that I got totally lost. Either way, I just assumed it was humorously sarcastic.

Hah! Wonderful.

Posted by: Karanis | May 8, 2007 6:20:38 PM

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