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Video: Phelps fires up the camera once again

by Jeremy Hooper

Fred Phelps on Jerry Falwell (possibly NSFPsyches):

A video that really leaves us with only one question for Mr. Phelps: Who or what mandates when you wear the black undershirt and when you choose the Devilish red one?

Picture 4-59
 Good As You Images Picture-1-4
Picture 5-55
Picture 6-61
Picture 7-51
Picture 8-40
Picture 9-33
Picture 10-32
Picture 11-34
Picture 12-22

You do seem to be trending towards red these days -- but why, Frederick? Did a recent color consultation reveal that you are more of an autumn? Is it indicative representative of your theories that America is sliding further and further into hell? Or perhaps it's all just decided by the laundry schedule at the Westboro compound?

Well no matter the case, might we suggest something more festive for your inevitable anti-Pride month endeavors?


See there? Colors really make your skin and eyes pop!

Jerry Falwell Split Hell Wide Open [YouTube]

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Your thoughts

The difference between Phelps and Falwell is that Phelps is obviously totally insane. Even the most rightwing fundamentalist finds him embarrassing. You can see that he's unhinged. Picking on Phelps is pointless. He does all the heavy lifting FOR you.

Falwell, Dobson and Robertson are a different story. They are in complete control of their message and their followers. They have the power and the conscious will to cause great misery and suffering in the name of God. Their followers don't understand that they are doing the opposite of what Jesus preached. Also, they have selected the most vulnerable segment of society as the target of their self-righteous aggression. Attacking gays is an easy way for weakminded Dominionists to experience a unity of purpose AND a rush of strength that they interpret as "holy spirit".

There is nothing as perverse as people who commit evil while believing they are serving God. They inspire chills in the same way clown makeup or Laura Bush does... that feeling that there is something wrong behind the smile - SO wrong that it can barely be described.

The only way people can protect themselves from this kind of evil is to spend a great deal of time and energy becoming clear about the difference between what is outside of them and what is inside of them... i.e. not "owning" the judgment. Unfortunately, many gay people are so damaged by a lifetime of disapproving messages that they don't have the emotional resources to find that inner strength.

Thank you for creating this website.

Posted by: Really Tired & Sad | May 21, 2007 5:33:00 PM

Vintage Phelps

Addicted to Hate

Posted by: EvilPoet | May 21, 2007 6:47:57 PM

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