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Video: Wherein we fall victim to viral marketing strategy

by Jeremy Hooper

We're late getting to this. That's mainly because we're two episodes of "Heroes" behind, so we didn't see this commercial when it aired last night during that NBC show:

The gist of the ad is, of course, a pointed attack at eHarmony's non-allowance of same-sex pairings. And the "come as you are" part -- well, that's of course a reference to the 1992 Nirvana song of the same name, and more specifically the lyrics, "The choice is yours. Don't be late."

Right? What else could it be? "Come as you are" -- we fail to see any other obvious plays on words there!

To read more about the company's marketing strategy, click the link below. We recommend that you conjure up a mental image of the later Kurt Cobain while you read, and think about his come as you are.

Chemistry.com Paints Rival as 'Heartbreak Hotel' [Brandweek]

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Your thoughts

BRILLIANT! Hahahah!!! I love it!

Posted by: Dash | May 1, 2007 5:55:36 PM

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