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Video: You can't fix what isn't broken
Another video from Wayne Besen's Truth Wins Out organization:
Thirty years of fruitlessly struggling to overcome the truth. Three decades of unnecessary struggle and self-hate, propagated by societal stigma. That is more time than this writer has even been on the planet, so I can only imagine how soul-numbingly awful such a situation must be. Unfortunately, however, for many who are pressured, bullied, and shunned into the closet for the long haul, this scenario is all-too-real. And then you have an unscientific movement that plays on this internal struggle, telling these people who are actually in need of acceptance, that they instead need to "change" into what God intended.
It is cruel. It is sad. It is a lie.
For all of the Victorias in the world, we hope you too will find your place of acceptance. It is never too late to start living, but the closet is just too dark and lonely to ever really enjoy that life.
Victoria Lavin's 30 Year Journey Out Of Ex-Gay Hell [YouTube]
Technorati Tags: ex-gay, Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen
Technorati Tags: ex-gay, Truth Wins Out, Wayne Besen
Your thoughts
It's too bad that the term "gay community" is such an empty one. There needs to be an organized committment on the part of gay people to help the most vulnerable among us. Some people overcome the hate they grow up with - with varying degrees of success - but many just CAN'T and they need help. It's the isolation that makes this so heartbreaking.
Nobody should face such an agonizing and unnecessary path to self-acceptance. It makes me just cry. I just want to grab people like this and hold them until they feel themselves come alive again. I know that it is completely unrealistic, but I wish we could all just move to one area and take care of each other.
Posted by: Be Strong | May 24, 2007 8:17:48 PM
"It's the isolation that makes this so heartbreaking." agreed.
Posted by: | May 24, 2007 10:11:30 PM
Thank you for helping spread the word that there is hope. I can tell you today that I am in no way helpless as I once was those many years ago.
This type of story needed to be out there. I felt as someone who has come full circle with this issue in my life needed share my experience, strength and hope that God loves us just they way we are and that our hearts are what needs changing not who we were created to be.
I know there are many out there who still suffer this fate and so much want our community to be open and out about who we are. The stereotypes and lies need to end and this is the beginning, I believe of many to follow.
My walk with God is stronger than it has ever been since going threw this journey and actually coming out on the otherside a better person for it.
I just pray this is a tool that will help others realized that their suffering, their shame and all that it entails to come to full realization that God sees you in a totally different way than man does. And until we see ourselves the way He does we will still fall for their lies and hate. A quote that helped me realize this is from a book called "Search for Significance" by Rober McGee.
"We must understand that this hunger for self-worth is God-given and can only be statisifed by Him. Our value is not dependent on our ability to earn the fickle acceptance of people, but rather, its true source is the love and acceptance of God. He created us. He alone knows how to fulfill all of our needs."(pg. 11, McGee)
This was so true for me and it still is today. Man does not define who I am God does.
Victoria Lavin
Posted by: Victoria | May 28, 2007 9:46:35 AM
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