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Bryant's bastard brainchild turns 30
Thirty years ago today, voters in Dade County, FL, repealed an ordinance that prohibited discrimination against gays in terms of housing and employment. So that being the case, let's take a second to remember the woman who led the campaign against this and every other gay rights measure of the time, Anita Bryant:
Not that pies in the face are the sort of discourse that we would choose to employ. Though considering Bryant's non-stop campaigns of demonization and that era's, pre-blogging, pre-Ellen day and age, we certainly understand the impetus behind such pastry-launching.
Fortunately, in 1998, Miami-Dade gays regained the protections that were repealed twenty-one years prior. And happily, a 2002 attempt to once again repeal it was this time refuted by 56% of the local voters. But despite recent positive turns, on this unwanted anniversary, we must pause and remember a historical misstep and an infamous character who forced gays to pause their lives and fight for basic human decency. After all, those who don't remember their anti-gay history are condemned to have it repeated against them!
On This Day in History: June 7 -- A Defiant Bryant [Brooklyn Eagle]
**Oh, and let's also not forget that Forida's statute banning gay adoption (another Bryant-backed idea) still stands!
Your thoughts
She's known as a deadbeat boss who doesn't pay her employees when she sets up her garbage shows, in places like Pigeon Forge, and then goes bankrupt.
Posted by: PTBoat | Jun 7, 2007 3:15:59 PM
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