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'Ex-gay' ex-plores political options
"Ex-gay" activist James Hartline has announced that he's running for a City Council seat in San Diego's third district (a seat that's been held in recent years by two different lesbian Democrats).
Though keeping with the theme, we hear those voters wishing to change from lesbian to Hartline leadership will not merely have to follow their hearts and minds, but rather they'll be required to attend group counseling, purchase books and other materials, attend therapy sessions, beat the sh*t out of pillows, blame their parents for their past gay votes, listen only to those whose political ideas support Hartline's, and pray a lot. Then and only then they will maybe, possibly become an "ex-lesbian" -- but not fully hetero -- district.
Oh, and they won't be able to just sit back and enjoy their new "ex-gay"-led lives. Instead, they'll always have to struggle and ward off the memories of all the gay leaders who came before them.
While this may all sound hard, there is one payoff (for at least male voters): If they do go the Hartline route, they are unlikely to have to deal with "hardness" ever again.
Ex-homosexual runs for San Diego City Council [WND]
Your thoughts
I live not that far from San Diego and Hartline is known as a nut among the locals.
Posted by: Franc | Jun 13, 2007 12:19:27 AM
I live up in Pasadena in Los Angeles County area of San Gabriel Valley.
All I have ever hear about James Hartline is that he is a hateful violent man who...
because of his male prostitution and his love of bareback raw sex and his use of used unclean needles injecting Methamphetamine caused himself to get infected with HIV, while he claimes even thought he was infected during a bare back orgy and a slamming binge claimed he was targetted for HIV my the same gays he was willingly haveing unprotected sex and was sharing a dirty needle with...
James take some self responsibility
Posted by: Adam Kratt | Jun 24, 2008 7:55:34 AM
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