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Give me a 'B': Bisexual elected to NY office
Open bisexual Micah Kellner has been elected to the NY state Assembly, where he'll represent Manhattan's 65th Assembly District (which just so happens to be the district of G-A-Y headquarters).
Totally explaining why when we woke up this morning, all of our neighborhood's manholes had been mysteriously changed to "sometimes man, sometimes woman holes."
Kellner Tops Camp In Faceoff For N.Y. Assembly Seat [WNBC]
Technorati Tags: Micha Kellner, puppy
Your thoughts
Let the record reflect that Kellner has an opposite-sex partner, and that his Republican opponent supported full marriage equality (unlike, say, Sheldon Silver).
Posted by: KipEsquire | Jun 6, 2007 9:54:05 AM
Kip: You're right on both counts. It makes me feel proud to operate in such a progressive district.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 6, 2007 10:31:52 AM
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