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Is the 'View' going from menstrual to minstrel?

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 3-60 Gallery Articles 842BIt is rumored that Mario Cantone and Ross Matthews, both openly gay men, are being looked at as possibilities to replace Rosie O'Donnell on "The View."

So on one hand we're like, "Wow, cool -- gay men given new opportunities." But then on the other, considering this is a show that has always been prided on it's female-centricity, we can't help but think that it's a little offensive for producers to act as if it's just a hop skip and a jump to go from Ladyland to Gaymalevile. So we're a little torn. Is this a positive step (if even true), or would it truly be a 21st century minstrel-like situation?

We'll wait and see how it's handled (or if it's even going to happen). If "The View" wants to move away from being a show about women and more into being show about humans, then that actually seems like a great idea. However, if they're planning on having Behar and Cantone co-hosting segments on menopause, then they're gonna have some 'spainin' to do.

A man to replace Rosie on The View? [TV Sqad]

**This is not meant to slight gay men who enjoy "The View." This gay male writer enjoyed it mucho during the Rosie phase. It's just to say that looking to gay men to join a "morning chatfest, featuring a team of dynamic women of different ages, experiences and backgrounds discussing the most exciting events of the day" (as ABC describes it) seems a wee bit inappropriate.

**UPDATE: This from People magazine:

"Former View co-host Debbie Matenopoulos has championed the idea of hiring a man ever since O'Donnell announced she was leaving. "It is high time they put a gay man on that panel," Matenopoulos tells PEOPLE. "They've said 'We can't put a man here.' I disagree. Why does it have to be guys against girls? I have a better time and solve more problems sitting with my gay guy friends than my girlfriends!"

And we agree -- a gay man/straight woman chat show would be a fun concept. A gay man/ straight woman/ straight man/ gay woman one would maybe be even better. But if this were to happen with "The View," it would need to happen in the right way with the utmost care (i.e. making it clear they are changing the format of the show)

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Your thoughts

I think I agree with you about waiting to see. I find it interesting that they are considering these two guys who, God love them, are camp. It just seems that everyone is happy to put the camp boys on screen so thye can laugh AT them, rather than WITH them, as we do.

Posted by: PTBoat | Jun 21, 2007 5:00:13 PM

I probably still wouldn't watch...all that damn screeching when they try to talk over each other gives me a headache.

Posted by: Donald | Jun 22, 2007 12:49:47 AM

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