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Vote at Mass ConCon: 117 Nay -- 40 Yea (still confirming the numbers).
MARRIAGE BAN IS KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*UPDATE: Final vote breakdown was actually 151-45.
**UPDATE2: National groups and leaders weigh in:
NGLTF Press Release: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force hails defeat of proposed state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, applauds work of state partner MassEquality
U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, as quoted by Bay Windows:
"The nation’s eyes were on Massachusetts today, and they saw a triumph for civil rights and fundamental fairness. Today's historic vote will have a national impact on civil rights for years to come. Massachusetts has led the nation in education, in health care and in biotechnology, and today Massachusetts renewed its commitment as a proud leader in civil rights.”
**UPDATE3: MassEquality has the vote breakdown
**UPDATES, 6/15:
-Op-Ed from Rep. Gale Calendas on why she changed her vote on same-sex marriage [Boston Globe]
-Here are some celebratory YouTube videos [G-A-Y]
-MassResistance aims for more militancy & man-dog sex linkage [G-A-Y]
-Andrew Sullivan has some nice thoughts.
Your thoughts
Thank you, Jesus! Oh, and Governor Deval Patrick too.
Posted by: JOHN IN MANHATTAN | Jun 14, 2007 3:38:09 PM
I am SO proud to be able to say that I'm from Massachusetts! I'm still weeping tears of joy.
No citizen should be in a position to deny another citizen his or her civil rights, and lots of people worked very hard to help keep this a reality. THere's lots more work to do, but we need to pause for victories like this one.
Thanks to all of you, and thanks -- many, many thanks, to Jeremy.
Posted by: Robin Reardon | Jun 14, 2007 4:25:52 PM
Without a doubt, this was THE big test. If the Anti-gay marriage people had succeeded on this in Mass, they would have used that victory to their benefit. One of the positive aspects of Mass allowing gay marriage is that is proves that gay marriage will not cause the downfall of western civilisation.
Posted by: Donald | Jun 14, 2007 9:42:24 PM
What's to stop them from bringing it up again and we have to go through this all over again?
Was anyone really THAT worried? Their legislature is pretty solidly democratic, and liberal democratic at that.
Posted by: Brandon | Jun 16, 2007 2:06:11 AM
Brandon: 2012 is the earliest date that marriage equality opponents could get another initiative onto the ballot. So really there is no guarantee that they won't try again, we just sort of hope that there will be enough of a tide shift over the next few years for the ban to look even more disgusting to even more people.
And yes, we were worried. They only needed 50 votes, which they were able to get back in January.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 16, 2007 7:50:13 AM
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