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Peter LaBarbera is a g-y (guy)

by Jeremy Hooper

You know how we're always getting annoyed with the social conservatives for placing the word "gay" within quotation marks whenever they write it? Well, Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera has upped the anti:

Picture 4-60

Yes, in a new email to his followers (and gay activists who monitor his work), Peter has eschewed quotes and instead chosen to refer to gays as G-y. You know, kind of like how certain religious groups, out of reverence, refer to the man upstairs as G-D? Yea, LaBarbera has, out of disregard, taken the same approach with the gays.

It's as if adding that "a" would be to admit submission to "The Homosexual Agenda™," but refusing to use the word that society has widely embraced as the term to describe the homosexual community (sort of like "straight" for the heterosexual set) shows that Pete's not gonna go gently into that queer accepting night! It's just silly.

But then again, he also claims that the concept his group is seeking is "TRUTH." So when has accurate representation of a group ever proven to be a strong point for this kid?

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

They wouldn't recognise truth if it bit them in the -ss.

Posted by: John C | Jun 5, 2007 11:12:05 AM

G-d, i cannot wait until this guy is discovered in one of those bathhouses he decries, or some hustler sees him on the TV news and decides to tell people, 'hey, that's that guy i ----' or something else along those lines. You just know that's going to happen eventually.

Posted by: james | Jun 5, 2007 12:40:12 PM

I'm glad he's learning to treat G-y's with the reverence they should have- so close to G-d.

Sad, sad man.

Posted by: ~Dawn | Jun 5, 2007 12:54:41 PM

Hate to burst the bubble on this one, but since many social conservatives types use filtering software that blocks "offensive" content in email headlines, (including references to homosexuality,) Peter may be omitting the "a" in order to avoid getting blocked.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Jun 5, 2007 2:35:53 PM

GayMormonBoy: No bubble burst. And if you're right, that's an even more frightening situation than his refusal to use the word.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 5, 2007 2:39:34 PM


LaBarbera (aka "Barbara") already goes to gay bath-houses. Sometimes he brings an "ex gay" with him too (I'm not making this up LOL) as his "security".

Posted by: GayLeftBorg | Jun 5, 2007 6:56:26 PM

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