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Video: I want my G-A-Y TV!
So from time to time, this website and this writer have been contacted by various TV types to discuss possible ventures that would break G-A-Y out of the cold, limiting confines of the printed word. Because of this interest, there have been a few demo videos hastily assembled, wherein your humble scribe has become a humble version of Andy Rooney, verbally preaching the virtues of gay acceptance, while slapping the wrist off those that keep the 'mo folks down. We showed you one of these demos last week. Here now is another.
*Some notes: This was originally filmed during the first week of January, under the working title "180 seconds w/ G-A-Y." But since (a) it is now June and (b) Jeremy is long-winded, the timeliness in terms of both the references and the actual timing are a bit off:
**Also: No offense or disrespect intended towards those who truly struggle with substance abuse.
Technorati Tags: Jeremy Hooper
Your thoughts
I noticed you had a little Stephen Colbert-ish "Word" thing going on there. Nicely done, sir. Nicely done. =D
Posted by: Marie S | Jun 4, 2007 2:41:34 PM
Marie: Well, any mimicry of the joy that is Colbert was completely unintentional. My thing is to find the balance between like a ranty Olbermann and an always-comedic Jon Stewart. While I would love to be able to pull off an all-comedy Stewart/Colbert sort of situation, gay issues don't always lend themselves to that approach. So yea, I think Jeremy's voice will be somewhere in the middle ground (as it is with the site).
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 4, 2007 2:54:39 PM
Very well done, Jeremy! I can't wait to see more...but no pressure, lol. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Kristen | Jun 5, 2007 8:59:48 AM
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