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Video: Kathleen Turner orally performing sodomistic acts
From a History Channel documentary, comes this interesting take on Sodom & Gomorrah and other Biblical "teachings" on homosexuality:
So what we glean from this: When social conservatives say us gays practice "sodomy," they are being even less truthful than usual. After all, of all of the gay male parents that we know, never once have we met one who practices a "Here, take my daughter and do her in any way you please" attitude towards sex. Call us crazy, but that is the take-away "WHAT THE CRAZY?!" from this story that should be remembered with the word "sodomy."
Or maybe rape could take the term "sodomy," but even that is less shocking than the whole "Eh, she's just my daughter -- take her" attitude. And "rape" is a good enough term to describe that heinous act. But we simply don't have a word in the English language that easily sums up the idea that one's daughter is merely property that can be used as a negotiation ploy. And sex, intercourse, copulation, lovemaking, whoopee -- all are perfectly suitable for describing bedroom behavior of any orientation (with certain adjectives available to specify the particular acts, if need be).
So yea, we're starting a new campaign right now. From this point forward, "sodomy" only means "A father's use of his daughter's vajayjay as a bargaining chip." Take note, "pro-family" groups!
Your thoughts
Fantastic video. Not that I think it will change any of these anti-gay activists, but it will be good to point people to it for another look at those awful 'sodomites.'
Posted by: Kevin | Jun 4, 2007 11:53:26 AM
I watched at least a minute of a half of this in the hope that there would be some oral. I can't believe you did this to me.
Posted by: Horny Bastard | Aug 4, 2008 9:26:23 AM
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